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Jak to bylo s cestou Apolla 11 na Měsíc v roce 1969? O tomto vysoce zpolitizovaném tématu se vedly a dosud vedou debaty mezi zastánci a odpůrci (viz en wiki dole). Okolnosti jsou každopádně podivné a přetrvávají až do současnosti:
Houston, We Erased The Apollo 11 Tapes
Původní video z Měsíce je navždy ztraceno, NASA kazety omylem smazala
'Lost' Apollo 11 Moonwalk tapes restored (část byla nekvalitně obnovena)
Apollo - Ztracené záznamy
Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed
Falešný měsíční kámen z muzea je ve skutečnosti zkamenělé dřevo
„Měsíční kámen“ z nizozemského muzea je padělek. Podobně zmizely všechny originály fotek a filmů „jakože“ natočené při slavném FAKE přistání na Měsíci 1969. Slavný režisér Stanley Kubrick (Vesmírná Odyssea 2001) přiznal: „To já natočil falešné přistání na Měsíci … v Nevadské poušti a ve studiu!“ (VIDEO 3 min)
krátké video z nehody při natáčení ve studiu
Manipulace s fotografiemi mise Apollo 15
Manipulace s fotografiemi Slunce z Měsíce
tisková konference mise Apollo 11 (podezřelé chování astronautů)
Wonder Why the American Media Didn’t Report on This One?! Chinese Lunar Rover Finds No Evidence of American Moon Landings

Na to, že na Měsíc byla dopravena zrcadla pro lasery, mě upozornil jeden můj známý, který podrobně studoval otevřené zdroje (pro a proti) týkající se letu na Měsíc a došel k závěru, že tam Apollo 11 opravdu letělo. Podotkl jsem, že šlo jen o otevřené zdroje. Dopravit tam tato zrcadla by však šlo i bez lidí.

Proč NASA na Měsíc přestala létat? Jako důvody uvádí vysoké náklady a s nimi spojenou nízkou veřejnou a politickou podporu.

Vzhledem k těmto a mnoha dalším nejasnostem se objevily i alternativní ("konspirativní") verze.

Podle jedné astronauti na Měsíc přiletěli, ale narazili tam na ET, což se nemohlo vysílat v televizi, takže se místo toho vysílal předem natočený Kubrickův film. Kubricka to mimochodem podle málem stálo manželství. Na toto naráží i parodie jako např. film Capricorn One. Články o manipulacích s fotodokumentací: 1 a 2. Oficiálně je Kubrickovo zapojení zpochybňováno (viz en wiki dole).

Podle další Američané na Měsíc tajně letěli již mnohem dřív, snad v 50. letech, pomocí ET/nacistické technologie nebo přímo s ET (viz citáty níže). Dokument o této technologii: The Lost Century And How to Reclaim It (Steven Greer, 2023)

Filmové dokumenty zpochybňující přistání Američanů na Měsíci na přelomu 60. a 70. let 20. století:
A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Moon
Apollo Zero - No Man has Ever Walked on the Moon
Was it Only a Paper Moon
Did we Land on the Moon
100 Proof of NASA Moon Landing Hoax Or not

Osobně souhlasím s názorem (např. William Cooper, "Behold a Pale Horse", kap. 12, s. 214, nebo Phillip Corso, "The Day after Roswell", kap. 9, s. 66), že kromě výzkumného a politicko- propagandistického účelu americký vesmírný program slouží především jako krytí pro takzvané černé projekty (programy, rozpočty), na které by Kongres oficiálně nepřispěl. Podle Coopera existovala společná americko-sovětská základna na Měsíci v době, kdy Kennedy vyhlásil, že USA dostane člověka na Měsíc před koncem desetiletí. Na s. 213 píše: "Nyní vlastním oficiální fotografie NASA jedné z měsíčních základen."

S. 220: "A Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base: The space program is a farce and an unbelievable waste of money. Alternative 3 is a reality. It is not science fiction.

The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an "expediency." One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expos) "Alternative 003." It was aired on the documentary, nonfiction program named "Science Report," confirming many of the allegations."

S. 221-222: "Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. We currently have, and fly, atomic-powered antigravity-type craft in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets. We have been lied to about the true nature of the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus, and the real state of technology that we possess today, at this very moment.

There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons. This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same side to the Earth or the Sun. The Moon has several man-made lakes and ponds upon its surface, and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravitational field — and man can walk upon its surface without a space suit, breathing from an oxygen bottle after undergoing decompression, the same as any deep-sea diver!

I have the official NASA photographs. Some of them were published in the books We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon by Fred Steckling and Someone Else Is on the Moon. In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the Soviets and Americans at the lunar base. The Soviets attempted to take control of the base and held American scientists and personnel hostage. We were able to restore order but not before 66 people were killed. The Soviets were suspended from the program for a period of two years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact."

Col. Phillip Corso ve své knize "The Day after Roswell" (kap. 9, s. 64) považuje měsíční základnu za dílo ET (a kap. 11 věnuje od r. 1959 plánované vojenské základně jako obraně proti SSSR a ET):

Other reports persisted about Mercury 7 astronauts being shadowed by UFOs and about Neil Armstrong’s having seen an alien base on the moon during the Apollo 11 flyover and landing. NASA has, of course, not admitted to any of this, and, very correctly, it’s been treated as a matter of high national security.

Uvádí také možný důvod, proč byl program Apollo ukončen (s. 65):
Part of the military response to what they perceived as threats from extraterrestrials was, first, to analyze the specific ways that alien spacecraft “passively” disrupt our defenses and world wide communications through electrical and magnetic field interference and develop circuitry hardened against it. Second, General Trudeau and his counterparts in the other branches of the military at the Pentagon charged with strategic planning looked at the aggressive behaviors of the EBEs.
They didn’t just shadow or surveil our spacecraft in orbit; they buzzed us and tried to create such havoc with our communications systems that NASA more than once had to rethink astronaut safety in the Mercury and Gemini programs. Years later, there was even some speculation among Army Intelligence analysts who had been out of the NASA strategy loop that the Apollo moon landing program was ultimately abandoned because there was no way to protect the astronauts from possible alien threats.

Jonathan Gray uvádí v knize Dead Men's Secrets, že existují starověké čínské záznamy o letu na Měsíc včetně postavení základny.

Ex-prezident Bill Clinton napsal ve své autobiografii My Life (2004): "...Just a month before, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had... walked on the Moon, beating by five months President Kennedy's goal of putting a man on the Moon before the decade was out. The old carpenter asked me if I really believed it happened. I said sure, I saw it live on television. He disagreed; he said that he didn't believe it for a minute, that 'them television fellers' could make things look real that weren't. Back then, I thought he was a crank. During my eight years in Washington, I saw some things on TV that made me wonder if he wasn't ahead of his time."

The existence of ETs has been confirmed by a former chief of Israeli space security dept.

Col. Karl Nell on UFOs / UAPs

2023: Buzz Aldrin confirms E.T.s on the Moon - end of the controversy

Pracovník Apolla našel důkazy o existenci měst na Měsíci, NASA ho vyhodila

en zdroj

Co k tomu řekl Šríla Prabhupáda?

Toto téma je v ISKCONu stále živé zřejmě proto, že uvedl tři různé možnosti:

1. Lidé na Měsíc neletěli, protože je:

a. podle puránské kosmografie příliš daleko

b. jde o vyšší planetu (ŠB 3.32.3), jejíž obyvatelé tam nikoho nekvalifikovaného nepustí (ŠB 8.11.5, 9.7.5-6), a přistání Apolla 11 byl tedy podvod.

Toto uvádí již ve své první knize napsané ještě v Indii, Easy Journey to Other Planets (Snadná cesta na jiné planety, 1959), inspirované Sputnikem:

Scientists who are attempting to explore outer space in an attempt to reach other planets by mechanical means must realize that organisms adapted to the atmosphere of the earth cannot exist in the atmospheres of other planets. As such, man's attempts to reach the moon, the sun, or Mars will be completely futile because of the different atmospheres prevailing on those planets. (EJ 1)

Man-made satellites and mechanical space vehicles will never be able to carry human beings to the planets of outer space. Men cannot even go on their much-advertised trips to the moon, for, as we have already stated, the atmosphere on such higher planets is different from the atmosphere here on earth. Each and every planet has its particular atmosphere, and if one wants to travel to any particular planet within the material universe, one has to have a material body exactly adapted to the climatic condition of that planet. (EJ 1)

V dopise Rúpánugovi z 20. 12. 1968 označuje Měsíc za nebeskou planetu: So the earth planet and the moon planet are both on the same layer but the earth is middle planet and the moon is heavenly planet.

2. Pokud letěli, nedostali se do dimenze polobohů, ale viděli tam jen poušť a přivezli jen kamení, což je mrhání penězi.

Now someone has gone to the moon, but what will human society gain from it? If, after spending so much money, so much energy and ten years of effort, one goes to the moon and simply touches it, what is the benefit of that? Can one remain there and call his friends to come? And even if one goes there and remains, what will be the benefit? As long as we are in this material world, either on this planet or other planets, the same miseries—birth, death, old age and disease—will follow us. We cannot rid ourselves of them.
If we go to live on the moon—assuming it is possible—even with an oxygen mask, how long could we stay? Furthermore, even if we had the opportunity to stay there, what would we gain? We might gain a little longer life perhaps, but we could not live there forever. That is impossible. And what would we gain by a longer life? TaravaH kiM na jIvanti: [SB 2.3.18] are not the trees living for many, many years? Near San Francisco I have seen a forest where there is a tree seven thousand years old. But what is the benefit? If one is proud of standing in one place for seven thousand years, that is not a very great credit.
(EJ 2)

Dále např. v konverzacích 760618rc.tor, 760808rc.teh atd.

3. Mohli omylem doletět jinam, např. na planetu Ráhu (ŠB 4.29.69 v.)

Zároveň jednou použil analogii televizního přenosu z Měsíce:
"This transcendental vision is like the reception of television from the moon via a mechanical system for receiving modulated waves, but it is achieved by penance and meditation within oneself." (CC Adi 5.22 v.)

Také zmiňuje vegetaci na Měsíci v SB 6.4.6 v. a 8.5.34 v. (srv. zvýrazněný text výše).

Yogesvara: There are no plants growing on the moon. In the desert we find some plants, but they have not found any vegetation on the moon.
Prabhupada: That means they have not gone thoroughly. One portion of it.
(MW, June 3, 1974, Geneva)

Prabhupada: Yes. They might have gone to some hellish planet, where there is only sand only, and very hot, and the culprit is pushed through that deserted place to the Yamaraja. And before going to Yamaraja he has to suffer so much. There are places, copperlike, you see. So hot, and the criminal has to go on that copper land. There are mentioned for many millions of miles simply copper, and one has to pass through that to Yamaraja. So they might have gone to some such place, not to the moon planet, who is the source of vegetation even throughout the whole universe—and in his own planet there is no vegetation. Now I am sure they have not gone to moon planet. How they will go? It is beyond the sun. I was protesting that they have not gone; now I am convinced that they have not gone. The Russian scientists and the American scientists joined on the platform, "Don't expose me; I don't expose you." [laughter] (MW, May 17, 1975, Perth)

(SP:) You are trying to go to the moon planet bogusly. I'll say bogusly because you could not go there. The moon planet is far away from the sun planet. So it is not possible to go there by the so-called jets plane. No. It is far, far away. It is sixteen hundred thousand miles away from the sun. The modern scientist calculation is ninety-three million miles, the sun is situated, and above that, sixteen hundred thousand miles up, there is moon planet. So by the Vedic calculation it is not possible to go there by the method we are attempting. That is not possible. And the proof is that why, if they are going to the moon planet, why they cannot stay there? Now, the argument is that "There is no vegetation. The atmosphere is different, where living being cannot stay." They say like that. But from the Vedic information we understand that moon planet influence the vegetation in all other planets. So if the moon planet helps vegetation in all other planets, how it is that there is no planet..., there is no vegetation? So there are many thing, contradiction, and practically we see, they are going to the moon planet, but they cannot stay, uselessly going and coming. So let them do that, but we have got our other inform..., other sources of information, that we cannot go to the moon planet. It is not possible. (SB 6.1.1-4, May 20, 1975, Melbourne)

You'll read in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, moon is the cause of vegetation, and there is no vegetation. Just see. Moon is the cause of vegetation in all planets, and they say there is no vegetation, it is simply dust. So we have to believe that? (SB 6.1.33, June 1, 1976, Honolulu)

Více citátů je uvedeno v kapitole '6.c.1. The Moon Flight' knihy Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy R.L. Thompsona (Sadápúty dáse). Ohledně Ráhua a zatmění viz kap. 8 (SUrya-siddhAnta uvádí stejné vysvětlení zatmění jako moderní věda).

Dosud jsem neviděl žádný jasný citát ze šáster, že se na Měsíc člověk dostat nemůže. Např. ŠB 2.7.37 naopak zmiňuje meziplanetární cesty v jiné Kali juze.

O technologických možnostech lidstva ve starověku nebo ET vypovídá i údajný starověký satelit, oficiálně zbytek družice Discoverer VIII. z roku 1960.

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