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This quiz is based on Vedic scriptural and practical knowledge, especially summarized in books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, VEDA website and academic research.

Answer 8 questions in 8 sections and get Results.

1. Persons

1. Purana with a main focus on Krsna is:

a. Bhagavata
b. Linga
c. Kalika

2. Among Visnu's dasa avataras does not belong:

a. Kartikeya
b. Nrsimha
c. Buddha

3. Siva (Rudra) gets his power from:

a. nobody, himself is the source of all power
b. Devi
c. Visnu

4. Brahma is:

a. an original creator of this universe
b. a secondary creator of this universe
c. not related to creation at all

5. Surya is worshiped by:

a. Gaura Gayatri
b. Kama Gayatri
c. Brahma Gayatri

6. Devi is a sakti of:

a. Siva
b. Visnu
c. Brahma

7. Hanuman, Bhima and Madhvacarya are related to:

a. Indra
b. Vayu
c. Agni

8. Yamadutas are:

a. demons
b. ghosts
c. karmic police

2. Holy places

9. Puskara is the holy place of:

a. Brahma
b. Visnu
c. Siva

10. All the main holy places in Prayaga are situated on Ganga's:

a. west shore
b. east shore
c. both shores

11. Sri Rama ruled over:

a. Dvaraka
b. Ayodhya
c. Delhi

12. In ocean off Gujarat coast was built:

a. Dvaraka
b. Hastinapura
c. Indraprastha

13. Battlefield of Kuruksetra is:

a. located south from Delhi
b. located north from Delhi
c. an imaginary representation of human body

14. Sri Krsna's birth place in Mathura is called:

a. Visram ghat
b. Kamsa tila
c. Janmasthan

15. Vrindavan's oldest Gosvami temple is:

a. Madana-mohana
b. Govinda
c. Gopinatha

16. Radhakund is close to:

a. Vrindavan
b. Govardhan
c. Gokula

3. Time periods

17. Shortest Vedic time unit is called:

a. truti
b. nimesa
c. ksana

18. Life of Brahma lasts:

a. 111x10E12 years
b. 211x10E12 years
c. 311x10E12 years

19. River Sarasvati dried up about:

a. 2 000 years ago
b. 3 000 years ago
c. 4 000 years ago

20. Golden age of this Kali-yuga lasts:

a. 1 000 years
b. 10 000 years
c. 100 000 years

21. Real time of Gautama Buddha was:

a. 6th century BC
b. 12th century BC
c. 18th century BC

22. Mathura was a center of culture and learning in:

a. Kushana and Gupta period
b. Chandela period
c. Hoysala period

23. Madhvacarya lived in:

a. 11-12th
b. 12-13th
c. 13-14th century AD

24. Kali-yuga will last another:

a. 427 000 years
b. 127 000 years
c. hardly few years, end is imminent

4. Events

25. Battle of Kuruksetra lasted for:

a. 8 days
b. 18 days
c. 28 days

26. Battle of Kuruksetra survived (except Krsna):

a. 5 warriors
b. 10 warriors
c. 15 warriors

27. Sankaracarya was once saved from death by:

a. Devi
b. Brahma
c. Nrsimhadev

28. Sampradaya of Ramanujacarya was started by:

a. Brahma
b. Siva
c. Laksmi

29. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was born in:

a. 1485
b. 1486
c. 1487 AD

30. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appeared in:

a. 1895
b. 1896
c. 1897

31. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada took sannyas in 1959 on:

a. Janmastami
b. Visvarupa Mahotsava
c. Govardhana-puja

32. ISKCON was founded in:

a. 1965
b. 1966
c. 1967

5. Rules, etiquette, holy days

33. Eating in Vedic culture is:

a. restricted to left hand
b. restricted to right hand
c. not restricted to any hand

34. Ekadasi is a fast (at least) from:

a. legumes and fruits
b. fruits and grains
c. grains and legumes

35. Rules for 4 varnas and 4 asramas are delineated in:

a. Brahma samhita
b. Manu samhita
c. Sanat Kumara samhita

36. One has to pay obeisances when spotting:

a. a brahmacari
b. a vanaprastha
c. a sannyasi

37. Siva says to Devi in Padma Purana that the best worship of all is the worship of:

a. Siva
b. Visnu
c. Visnu's devotees

38. Sakti stands on Saktiman's:

a. left side
b. right side
c. any side

39. Gaura Purnima celebrates the birth of:

a. Nityananda Prabhu
b. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
c. Vyasadeva

40. During guru puja spiritual master is worshiped as:

a. God
b. representative of God
c. ordinary human being

6. Philosophy

41. Fruitive activities in the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada refer to:

a. picking fruit
b. karma
c. leisure

42. Occupational duties in the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada stands for:

a. dharma
b. job
c. duties of occupation army

43. Pancopasana refers to a worship of:

a. three deities
b. four deities
c. five deities

44. Vivarta-vada was taught by:

a. Sankara
b. Ramanuja
c. Nimbarka

45. Sakti-parinamavada is adhered to by:

a. Vaisnavas
b. Saivas
c. Saktas

46. Highest pramana in Vedanta schools is:

a. pratyaksa
b. sabda
c. anumana

47. Out of 5 tattvas dealt with in Bhagavad-gita is non-eternal:

a. kala
b. jiva
c. karma

48. Govinda bhasya (Gaudiya Vaisnava commentary on Vedanta) was written by:

a. Jiva Gosvami
b. Baladeva Vidyabhusana
c. Visvanatha Cakravarti

7. Terms and activities

49. Negative karma for killing an animal affects:

a. one who eats it
b. who eats, buys/sends for it and prepares it
c. who eats, buys/sends for it, prepares it, sells it and kills the animal.

50. Prana is a subtle energy analogous to:

a. Egyptian "ka"
b. Japanese "ki"
c. Native American "kiva"

51. Dreaming (alfa, 7 - 14 Hz) state is called:

a. jagrata
b. susupti
c. svapna

52. Dhanurveda teaches:

a. music
b. medicine
c. martial arts

53. Japa is:

a. recitation of a mantra on beads
b. worship of murti
c. friendship with the Lord

54. Sankirtana is:

a. solitary worship
b. singing holy names of the Lord
c. study of the Vedas

55. Bhakti is defined in Narada Pancaratra as:

a. sa vai pumsam paro dharmo
yato bhaktir adhoksaje
ahaituky apratihata
yayatma suprasidati

b. bhaktir paresanubhavo viraktir
anyatra caisa trika eka-kalah-
prapadyamanasya yathasnatah syus
tustih pustih ksud-apayo 'nu-ghasam

c. sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam
tat-paratvena nirmalam
hrsikena hrsikesa-
sevanam bhaktir ucyate

56. Bhagavata Purana verse about three aspects of the Lord: "Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan:

a. visnos tu trini rupani
purusakhyany atho viduh
ekam tu mahatah srastr
dvitiyam tv anda-samsthitam
trtiyam sarva-bhuta-stham
tani jnatva vimucyate

b. vadanti tat tattva vidas
tattvam yaj jnanam advayam
brahmeti paramatmeti
bhagavan iti sabdyate

c. etad bhagavato rupam
brahmanah paramatmanah
param pradhanam purusam
daivam karma-vicestitam

8. Uncommon facts:

57. Positions of constellations in Surya-siddhanta refer to time:

a. 1500 years ago
b. 15000 years ago
c. 50000 years ago

58. Which prehistoric animals are clearly mentioned in Vedic sastras as still living in Krsna's time (5000 years ago)?

a. dinosaurs
b. mammoths
c. 4-tusked elephants

59. Sun god gave to his son Karna a big diamond which is today known as:

a. Koh-i-noor
b. Cullinan
c. Hope

60. Ancient Greek center of Radha-Krsna worship was:

a. Rhodos
b. Crete
c. Korfu

61. Aside from India and South Asian countries is Vedic culture best preserved in:

a. Japan
b. Mexico
c. Ethiopia

62. The figure on the Holy Shroud of Turin has forehead marks resembling:

a. Sakta tilaka
b. Saiva tilaka
c. Vaisnava tilaka

63. Taj Mahal was built by:

a. Mughal ruler Shahjahan
b. Rajput kings
c. Muhammad Ghori

64. Varuna is an origin of:

a. Loki
b. Quetzalcoatl
c. Santa Claus

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