FireFox addon Video DownloadHelper: the lame new version 7.3.9 (or earlier ones already?) Lots of people complain ( about this widely used browser addon: For quite some time (at least since 2019) users say it downloads only shorter videos (longer ones aren't finished). It also requires installing additional self-standing and quite slow companion videoconverter (VdhCoApp), adding a QR code watermark to converted videos. See According to FAQ this coapp is needed from FF 57. Also older versions of VDH are available only from FF 57.0a1. Sounds like a clue how to bury something successful the Microsoft way. It seems that the author caved in to a profit - his own, that of videosites and ad companies, or all: you can buy a premium version (yet users complain about it too). No surprise here. What to do in 2 steps 1. If you have an old browser version (versions archive: with VDH 6.3.3 and have it backed up, then go to /Data/profile/extensions/{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}.xpi and replace it by the older version. Older .xpi versions should be in these archives (I didn't try to dl them): ca-archive-2.0.1.xpi, ca-archive-2.0.2b1.xpi, ca-archive-2.0.2b2.xpi at Or ask around who may have it. 2. Cancel automatic updates in the browser settings: addons/extensions: automatic updates - off (This is also a lesson about automatic updates brought to you repeatedly by Microsoft. How many of those updates failed, dear Redmond folks?) Or look for another solution, e.g.: (FF addon) All the best. -- video downloadhelper @Vr, 02.05.2020 20:28 #16 Může za to nová aktualizace 7.3.9 z letošního března. Nadává na ni spousta lidí. Jako obvykle se nabízí dvojí motivace - neschopnost nebo záměr. Zde tipuju záměr - vydělat, nátlak od videosajtů a reklamy. Co dělat: Odinstalujte ji, nainstalujte předchozí a zrušte automatický aktualizace. Já mám starou verzi FF, na kterou verze online nejdou dát, tak jsem použil {b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}.xpi ze zálohy, nahradil tu novou a funguje to. vdh | 03. 05. 2020 21:33 | Podle je tato "coapp" nutná od FF 57. Také starší verze VDH jsou dostupné jen pro FF 57.0a1 a novější. Starší .xpi pro FF: