Talk with two Mormon missionaries Aug 6, 2010, Govinda's Prague, evening, about 45 min prasadam: halva and juice contact: temple info leaflets, my business card Pariksit das KKS met two missionaries last week in a street of Prague and when they learned that he's a devotee they were interested. He invited them to our Govinda's restaurant and asked me to help with English and philosophy. They sent two elders speaking better Czech but they were still glad when I offered to speak in English. It was basically my monologue, with Pariksit's short overview of ISKCON's spreading around the world and their questions. One of them seemed quite interested. Topics: mutual introduction both were from California, one with Czech ancestry my admission of a lack of knowledge of Mormon tradition good relationship of devotees and Mormons in Utah, Mormons giving $25,000 donation and many young ones helping to build our temple in Spanish Fork (, under the current President/Prophet quite open to other traditions 'religion' (re-ligare) analogical to 'yoga', every living being has an individual relationship with God types of yoga - external and internal bhakti yoga as the most advanced internal yoga of devotion to God religions - monistic, polytheistic, monotheistic; monotheism in various traditions - close connections, this suggests one God as the source of one ancient advanced global civilization, best preserved and still alive in India, elsewhere destroyed by European invaders scriptures over 5,000 years old - oldest ones surviving in the world gods/devas - analogical to government administrators, a cosmic hierarchy of devas with God on top - in the Bible, e.g. Deuteronomy 32:43 seen in ESV and CEV (based on Dead Sea Scrolls text), translated as 'angels' in NLT (based on Septuagint), in most of other versions edited out (!), already in Masoretic text and elsewhere Compare: gods angels nothing guru as living scripture, acarya guru-disciple relationship - traditional education, both material and spiritual, vs. modern institutionalized education religious institutions of church type not found previously in India, only in modern times Question: Any connection between Mormons and Vaishnavas? Answer: somehow roundabout and indirect - Joseph Smith > Freemasons > Gnostics > Indian influence (possibly through Buddhist missionaries in Near East) Question: What material were the scriptures written on? Answer: mainly palm leaves and tree bark, current oldest about 1,000 years old, preserved in libraries and museums mostly in India, a need of copying Question: Egypt and India connections? (one of the elders studied about Egypt) Answer: 1. Vedic kingdom of Mitanni, Pharaoh Thutmose IV. marrying Mitanni princess, daughter of King Artatama after being six times refused (!), her son Pharaoh Akhnanton (father of well-known Tutankhamen) introduced strict Aton monotheism - worship of God in His aspect as Sun - analogy of Surya Narayana worship, Brahma Gayatri mantra 2. Rathayatra in southern Egypt 3. Egyptian devas largely analogical to Vedic ones There're more but these I can think of from the top of my head. Question: How one joins Hare Krishnas? Answer: coming in contact with devotees, books, prasadam, media, public events > growing interest, reading, devotee sangha > following rules, dedication > diksa Question: How does the life of a Hare Krishna devotee looks like? Answer: morning spiritual time for worship and japa; then it depends on one's varna (work class) and asrama (spiritual status - monk/lay), explained as universal divisions, not artificially imposed Question: What is the status of ISKCON in CZ? Answer: official church since 2002, yet of 2nd class status - 300 signatures vs. 10,000 for 1st class status; ISKCON founded as decentralized; varied status in India and other countries